Sunday, December 30, 2012


Our guide will help you find the perfect regime for your shape. The four most common female body shapes: rectangular, apple, pear, and hourglass.

 1.The apple-shape
 BODY TRAITS: women with an apple shaped body tend to have a larger upper body and are more slender from the hips down. Most of their weight is carried on their back, chest, arms and stomach and normally their legs are considered their best asset.
1.Eat a moderate amount of healthy fats found in grains and oils as well as lots of fruit and vegetables.
2.Replace brown-coloured wholegrain foods with smaller quantities of white.
3.Do high reps with low resistance for upper body and high reps with moderate resistance for the lower body.
4. Best exercises includes step and spinning classes, abdominal crunches and skipping.

 2.The Rectangular Shape
Body traits: women with this shape have boyish body figures and have minimal curves and show very little size difference between the chest, waist and hips. Excess weight is normally founf on the stomach and buttocks.
1.make sure you eat plenty of lean protein, like fish and turkey; complex carbs such as wholegrain rice and pasta and calcuim rich foods like yogurt.
2.Avoid carbonated drinks and cut down on starchy foods like white rice.
3.Three days a week of formal exercise with lots of rest in between is an ideal level.
4.No activity is off limits for your shape but abdominal and back exercises should be highly priority.

3.The Hour-Glass Shape
Body Traits: women with tis shape tend to carry their weight in both the upper and lower body yet remain slender in the middke. Chest and hips are normally within a couple of inches of one another with around a six-inch difference in the waist.
 ESSENTIAL DIETS & EXERCISE: lean protein such as skinless chicken breats and lots of leafy green vegetables like spinach and cabbage.
 2.Avoid foods high in sugar and limit your intake of eggs, diary products and nuts.
 3.Best exercise includes fast walking and slow jogging with no incline, jumping jack, swimming for long distance and stationary cycling with light resistance. 

4.The Pear Shape
Body Traits: women with this shape carht in the lower body. Their chest and waist are similar in size, and they jave wider hips. Thighs, hips, and buttocks are problem areas and they bulk up easily.
 1.stick to food that are low in fats to avoid piling on the pounds and high in calcium.
 2.Lower salt intake to reduce water retention and cellulite in problem areas. 3.Best exercise includes push-ups, chin-ups,leg lifts, jogging and dancing (yes dancing does help)

 I do hope these tips  really go a long way in helping you keep fit.