Wednesday, January 9, 2013


 catwalking is very easy if you so desire. You just need to know some basic things and also practice as obtain as you can. belows are tips that can help develop your strutting skills;
1.Choose the right shoes. If you're not used to walking on heels, get one that you'll be comfortable on.
2.Learn to stand like a supermodel. Practice your posture, throw your shoulders forward, and push your pelvis slightly forward. It might create the illusion that you're leaning forward a little.
3.Place the toes of your foot down first, then your heel, but keep most of your weight balanced on the ball of your foot rather than on the heel. It may feel strange, but keeping much of your weight on the ball of the foot gives you more of an elegant stride.
4.Put one foot in front of the other (literally). Toes should face outwards. Your footprints should form a zigzag. When done quickly, this gives the body that characteristic swing.
5.Make your stride look long and commanding by lifting your legs almost in the same fashion a horse would while doing trotting leg extensions.
6.Look straight forward, you must walk and strut your stuff like you know you're beautiful and you know that you're smokin' hot, and all the young men out there are going to be going crazy when they see you!

You could practice strutting like you mean it by listening to your iPod or mp3 player, or other musical device, put a hot song on and walk to the beat!

Have fun as you give it a trial

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