Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Like they say, "nothing good comes easy"..... Everyone of us wants to be fit, healthy, and live a long active life. Right? But what do you do for it? For you to live a healthy lifestyle, you need to give up some bad habits like smoking, unhealthy eating, and so on. Sounds simple, but those who have tried changing their and habits know how difficult it could be. Some people decide to make drastic changes, but when they face the difficulties, they just lack motivation and give up.

A few healthy tips which are very easy includes;
1. Drinking a glass of water every morning with a slice of lemon or lime in it. You may not like the taste but it helps clears the system and flush out toxins and some people even say it helps reduce weight.

2. Get enough rest. When you don't sleep well it makes you feel tired and angry. And it damages your physical health especially the health. Research have shown that the average requirement for adults is 8hours of sleep per 24hours. Its really going to help you.  Therefore dont joke with your night rest.

3. Stretch out in the morning. Some people feel lazy every morning to get up but u r doing yourself more harm. Stretch your legs, hands, neck and do a little exercise every morning when you wake up. This increases blood flow to the muscles which provides them with oxygen and getting them ready for the day's job.

4. Eat healthy food. Potato chips, salted nuts, candies, cookies and other tasty stuff are definitely unhealthy for your body. They contain lots of fat, salt, sugar. Choose raw nuts, fresh fruits or berries instead, they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

5. Do not skip breakfast.always eat your breakfast and don't miss it for anything cos it gives you the energy needed for the day's job. It must be light, like; tea and bread, custard, cornflakes, etc.

 I think with these few tips, your lifestyle pertaining to health will improve.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


#sighs... Lifes's really being good just because I've accepted it the way it comes with Good faith. Now, what point am I trying to make here! I'm saying never give and start small. I rmember when I started modeling and going for beauty pageants both local and national (yes o! At least Miss Niger Delta na national pageant), I never really thought I would own an agency of my own but perseverance and hard work made it come through. You can be a model and even own your own agency only if you know what you want and work on yourself and always put God first. This is the point where I put my pen down until something new happens. Follow your dream and do not relent no matter what. (Incase you didn't know, I'm the 2nd person from the right...I'm reping my state ONDO #smiles)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


 catwalking is very easy if you so desire. You just need to know some basic things and also practice as obtain as you can. belows are tips that can help develop your strutting skills;
1.Choose the right shoes. If you're not used to walking on heels, get one that you'll be comfortable on.
2.Learn to stand like a supermodel. Practice your posture, throw your shoulders forward, and push your pelvis slightly forward. It might create the illusion that you're leaning forward a little.
3.Place the toes of your foot down first, then your heel, but keep most of your weight balanced on the ball of your foot rather than on the heel. It may feel strange, but keeping much of your weight on the ball of the foot gives you more of an elegant stride.
4.Put one foot in front of the other (literally). Toes should face outwards. Your footprints should form a zigzag. When done quickly, this gives the body that characteristic swing.
5.Make your stride look long and commanding by lifting your legs almost in the same fashion a horse would while doing trotting leg extensions.
6.Look straight forward, you must walk and strut your stuff like you know you're beautiful and you know that you're smokin' hot, and all the young men out there are going to be going crazy when they see you!

You could practice strutting like you mean it by listening to your iPod or mp3 player, or other musical device, put a hot song on and walk to the beat!

Have fun as you give it a trial

Friday, January 4, 2013


Knowing what to wear on a job interview is half the battle of the interview itself. The old adage could never be so true, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”
When you’re going on a job interview, your appearance is extremely important. Whether or not you look professional or sloppy could play a huge role on if you get hired.

Now here are tips you could consider before picking what to wear, trust me I had to go asking people who do all kinds of jobs ranging from professional to artisan.

1.Check out the company culture. you should first take into consideration the culture of the company you are interviewing with, and dress accordingly. Ask yourself, does the company's employees wear suits everyday or do they wear t-shirts and jeans?
2.Nothing too fancy, nothing to casual. A suit is not always the best choice for what to wear on a job interview. If you show up wearing a suit and tie and all the employees are wearing shorts and flip-flops, you will look out of place, feel uncomfortable and give off the wrong energy. The same is true of the opposite. If you show up wearing shorts and flip-flops to a company that wears professional attire, you will be just confirming that you don’t fit into the company.
3.Match the interviewer. If you want to get the job, your choice of what to wear on a job interview should match or be slightly dressier than the normal work attire of the company. For example, if the normal work attire of the company is business casual, it’s ok to wear a suit to impress. If the normal work attire is casual, it’s ok to wear a business casual outfit to impress as well.

These are very important too
1. Make sure your clothes that are neatly ironed and press.
2. Make sure your clothing fits properly. If your pants or sleeves are too long or something is too loose or too tight you’ll look and probably feel awkward.
3. Don’t wear flashy jewelry. You’ll want the interviewer to pay attention to you, not your bling.
4. Dress according to the season. Don’t wear a stuffy turtleneck sweater in the middle of the dry season (except you wan die of heat, especially when there's no a/c).
5. Make sure you have a nice, clean haircut that makes you look well groomed (for the guys) and ladies pls do keep the hair-do simple, neat and elegant.
7. For men, make sure you shave and keep facial hair to a minimum.
8. For women, don’t wear anything that is too revealing. It’s best to keep your body parts inside your clothing and not be too exposed.
9. Avoid articles of clothing with loud, busy prints. It’s best to wear solid colors that flatter your skin tone.
10. For women, make you wear appropriate lingerie and/or pantyhose underneath your clothing. This will give you smooth lines and assure you don’t have visible panty lines on your backside.(You know what I mean)
11. For women, don’t overdo your makeup. Wear natural colors and avoid heavy eyeshadow, eyeliner and bright colored lipstick.
12. For pants outfits, make sure you wear a belt that matches the color of your shoes.

So, congratulations on getting the interview. Now, know you know exactly what to wear on a job interview so you can get the job.


Here is a list of Nigerian top 10 designers for 2012 .
They've made Nigerian culture incorporated and transformed into with the western fashion. i think this year is gonna be great even as the competition steps up and gets tougher.




 Yvonne Nwosu


                                                                                                                                                   JEWEL BY LISA





TO ALL OTHER FASHION DESIGNERS OUT THERE, you too can be on this top 10 list, just work hard with wisdom, be creative, try to know what the public really want and most importantly put GOD first and we'll see you at the top.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Our guide will help you find the perfect regime for your shape. The four most common female body shapes: rectangular, apple, pear, and hourglass.

 1.The apple-shape
 BODY TRAITS: women with an apple shaped body tend to have a larger upper body and are more slender from the hips down. Most of their weight is carried on their back, chest, arms and stomach and normally their legs are considered their best asset.
1.Eat a moderate amount of healthy fats found in grains and oils as well as lots of fruit and vegetables.
2.Replace brown-coloured wholegrain foods with smaller quantities of white.
3.Do high reps with low resistance for upper body and high reps with moderate resistance for the lower body.
4. Best exercises includes step and spinning classes, abdominal crunches and skipping.

 2.The Rectangular Shape
Body traits: women with this shape have boyish body figures and have minimal curves and show very little size difference between the chest, waist and hips. Excess weight is normally founf on the stomach and buttocks.
1.make sure you eat plenty of lean protein, like fish and turkey; complex carbs such as wholegrain rice and pasta and calcuim rich foods like yogurt.
2.Avoid carbonated drinks and cut down on starchy foods like white rice.
3.Three days a week of formal exercise with lots of rest in between is an ideal level.
4.No activity is off limits for your shape but abdominal and back exercises should be highly priority.

3.The Hour-Glass Shape
Body Traits: women with tis shape tend to carry their weight in both the upper and lower body yet remain slender in the middke. Chest and hips are normally within a couple of inches of one another with around a six-inch difference in the waist.
 ESSENTIAL DIETS & EXERCISE: lean protein such as skinless chicken breats and lots of leafy green vegetables like spinach and cabbage.
 2.Avoid foods high in sugar and limit your intake of eggs, diary products and nuts.
 3.Best exercise includes fast walking and slow jogging with no incline, jumping jack, swimming for long distance and stationary cycling with light resistance. 

4.The Pear Shape
Body Traits: women with this shape carht in the lower body. Their chest and waist are similar in size, and they jave wider hips. Thighs, hips, and buttocks are problem areas and they bulk up easily.
 1.stick to food that are low in fats to avoid piling on the pounds and high in calcium.
 2.Lower salt intake to reduce water retention and cellulite in problem areas. 3.Best exercise includes push-ups, chin-ups,leg lifts, jogging and dancing (yes dancing does help)

 I do hope these tips  really go a long way in helping you keep fit.